Adam's Heirlooms Buyers Club

Stretch Your Food Budget with our Buyers Club

Benefits of Joining Adam's Heirlooms Buyers Club?

  • Receive a 10% bonus on your food budget
  • Our Buyer's Club gives you complete flexibility. You are in total control.
  • Add more money to your account whenever you are ready.
  • Purchase the items you know your family will love.
  • Keep receiving a 10% bonus every time you add money to your account. No Limit to how many times you get the 10% bonus.
  • Enjoy all the great products we offer, while making every dollar count in your food budget.

How does Adam's Heirlooms Buyers Club work?

You make a payment into your Buyers Club Account
We give you a 10% bonus in Store Credit
Now you have $110 to spend in our online store or at any of our farmers market booths. 

For example if you pay $100 into your Buyer's Club Account
$100 + $10 bonus = $110 to your Store Credit Account. 

How do I use my Buyers Club Account to Make Purchases?

In the Online Store

In the Checkout you will see your Store Credit Balance.  Select Payment Option Buyers Club & click the Store Credit button to pay with your store credit.

At the Farmer's Market

Let us know you want to pay with your Buyer's Club Credit. We will record your purchase & log it in your account after the market. Then we will send you a copy of the paid invoice.  We can also look up your account and let you know your Store Credit balance.

How do I Sign up for Adam's Heirlooms Buyers Club?

To Join Online, go on our Online Store at
Register for Buyers Club item. 
Then select the payment amount you would like to start with on your account. 
Pay for your order online with a credit card or select Cash/Check to pay at the market.
Submit your Order. 

Talk to us at market
You can join by paying with cash, check, or EBT Market Bucks at the market to get started in our Buyers Club.

How to Add More Money to Your Buyers Club Account

Go on our Online Store at
REFILL Buyers Club. 
Then select the amount you would like to start with on your account.
Pay for your order online with a credit card or select Cash/Check to pay at the market.

Submit your Order.

Talk to us at market
Add more to your account by paying with cash, check, or EBT Market Bucks.
We will record the payment & 10% bonus, then log it in your account after the market.
You can start shopping with your account credit right away.

Need to Check the Balance on Your Buyers Club Account?

Simply log into our online store and click on My Account
Then click Store Credit in the drop down menu to see your balance.